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When a Water Pipe Breaks Outside are you Responsible for The Bill?

burst water main pipe is the responsibility of whoever is supplying the water. However, the connection from your home to the water main on your own property is your responsibility. So, if you spot a broken pipe in your yard, before looking for someone else to assume culpability, give an emergency plumber a call to get it fixed immediately. Depending on the size of the pipe and the break, you can lose up to a gallon of water per second, which is why getting the water turned off immediately and the broken pipe fixed is so important.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s likely that you have a burst pipe somewhere outside your home:

  • Pooling water when it hasn’t rained
  • A hissing, rushing, or gurgling sound
  • Unusually soggy ground
  • Foul smells

These symptoms are typically accompanied by reduced water pressure, although that alone is not necessarily indicative of a broken pipe.

Additional resources:
Who can fix a broken pipe?
Do you need an emergency plumber?
Does a broken pipe require an emergency plumber?
What should you do when a pipe bursts?
Recognizing an outdoor plumbing failure 
How cold does it need to be for pipes to freeze?
When do roots grow in pipes?
Prevent root growth in pipes
How can landscaping break sewer pipes?
Winter Plumbing Problems
Fixing Broken Pipes Underground
Burst Pipe Repair Costs
Costs to Fix Broken Pipes Under the House
Will insurance help with broken pipe repair costs?
My water pipe broke! Now what??